Monday 29 September 2014

On-Line Working- Learn And Practice

On-Line Working- Learn And Practice

Indian AbacusThe Indian Abacus Digital, enables calculations done manually using the abacus independent of the computer but at the same time having the facility to have the answers displayed on the built-in LCD screen.
The compatibility of the tool with the computer enables the posting of the results (answers) through Internet on the dedicated server / site. Indian Abacus digital is thus a manually operable tool using which one can do fast and accurate arithmetic calculations and the user can post the answers on the internet site. Instant evaluation of the results of the assessment would then be available. This tool is an ideal aid for online assessments, verification, evaluation leading to certification. Since working to learn and practise is possible on this tool in the off-line mode too, the student doing a number of practice sums could check the answers on the abacus LCD screen. The Indian Abacus Digital is thus 'Indian Abacus' plus the greatly augmented facility for better visualization post learning and practicing on account of the display of colour images plus digital capability of transforming the slider movements into the respective values which are displayed on the LCD screen. Online working is an extended and important facility which is built-in.
The most revolutionary introduction of usage of colour (Red and Green) images display in the Indian Abacus Digital is something unparalleled in the history of abacus education which is the first and the strongest feature of the Indian Abacus Digital. The second unique feature is the Digital compatibility factor. The performance results of children using the Indian Abacus Digital to answer any online test paper can be verified, marked & evaluated for Certification. The test results could also be simultaneously transferred to thesite / server page made possible through compatible software used for Competitions for computations of results, abacus competition for students /Tutors (Test) positions and awards.

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