Sunday 19 October 2014

Indian Abacus Preamble - Conceptual facts


 Indian Abacus Preamble - Conceptual facts:

·   Visualization is the key to better understanding.
·   Visualization is the key to better anchoring on to the object visualized.
·   Visualization enables more reasons to be with the object of experience mentally.
·   That Visualization as the right brain routine is the key factor for Abacus to change the Abstract numbers into objective experience, through image capture by the brain.
Indian Abacus makes Visualization process involving faster &stronger image-capture due to the distinct colour based images possible.  They are not only distinct by the inherent colour of the images but also through the enhanced possibility of capture of coloured images in a contrast &uniform colour background, which makes the visualization more pronounced.

      The skills beyond just the calculations:
It has been more pronouncedly proven that Abacus exponent beats the non-abacus student hands down, since the speed maintained by the Abacus trained student will be at least 5 to 6 times more on the minimum side.  Hence the Abacus students in the process prove that the arithmetic calculations that they perform are in a mental mode, where the counting does not take time to identify the object used for counting as the same is not the beads in material but the beads as the images of them.  The physical feel of touch becomes a mental perception of having moved the beads which are images. The process therefore involves images &perception which are the components of visualization, in other words, the whole calculation is a visualizing process of mental manipulations of beads on different rods.Indian Abacus enables greater and more qualitative visualization possible thus enhancing the quality of skills with lesser efforts

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