Tuesday 7 October 2014




 Children aged 5 to 13 years are the primary beneficiaries of this specialized tool - "Indian Abacus - Digital" and Indian Abacus On-line program.Pupils can operate the tool using the PC / LAPTOP by accessing the On-line 'learn - practice - test' program at the Abacus-based skills site designed especially for the purpose by the Indian Abacus Company. The tool has the necessary hardware and software, which help the student work online or offline, as required.
The child sitting in any corner of the country or the remotest location could now self-learn Abacus skills, practice and master the skills and have the skills tested for certification too online.
Indian Abacus - Digital is the regular version of the Indian Abacus with the extended facility to work online through dedicated server / internet to learn / practice / test, on-line, the Abacus based Brain skills, giving it the digital-connect. It has also a greater advantage leading to better visualization that the student experiences post learning & practicing in comparison to those with the experience using the conventional or the generic abacus which has been in use till now. The student while operating Indian Abacus moves the Lower and the upper sliders to unhide and hide the colour images which represent values as before. The lower sliders when moved towards the bar unhide and display green colour images and similarly the upper sliders when moved towards the bar unhide and display Red colour images. Thus with the display of colour images the visualization post-learning - employing the Indian Abacus is many times better - stronger and faster- when compared to the generic Abacus. Since Visualization is the key factor for better visual memory, Indian Abacus is much superior to its predecessor.

The invented New Generation tool enables children and other users to access and learn / practice / test, on-line, the Abacus based skills using the Abacus program site designed by the company for the purpose. The children aged 5 to 13 years are the primary focus for benefitting through this specialized tool - Indian Abacus Digital and the designed on-line program for pupils of India and other countries overseas. The children could operate the tool in unison with the PC / LAPTOP by accessing to the On-line learn practice - test program for Abacus based skills site designed especially for the purpose by the Indian Abacus Company. The tool has the necessary hardware and software, which are integral parts of the tool, which make the student work online or offline, as required. The main objective of the Abacus programme is to enhance the brain power upgrading the brain skills of the children and remove the fear of Mathematics by making the arithmetic calculations easier and stressfree.

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