Thursday 9 October 2014



The invention of Indian Abacus & Indian Abacus - Digital, both Student's and Tutor's versions provides the right answer to the long lasting call for “Generation change” with the evolution tobring in greatly desired “Visualization” a vastly impacting skill factor. The birth of Indian Abacus & Indian Abacus - Digital, both Student's and Teacher's versions is a solution to win over theinadequacies and the limitations that hindered the effective usage of the abacus to bring out thebest of skills in children. The material, design, manufacture which are greatly different in theIndian Abacus & Indian Abacus - Digital, both Student's and Teacher's versions, brings in agreat change in the Features, advantages and benefits of the invented tools.
Indian Abacus for student: Its improved design features makes possible more qualitative visualization than the conventional Abacus which does not offer required scope for the visualization to attain its pinnacle. The colour images projected by the operation of the upper or lower sliders through their upper and/or lower movements towards the bar actually represent the value positions. The colour images and the representing values are very clear and more impacting in the Indian Abacus.
The design features, advantages and the benefits explain the winning edge of Indian Abacus over the Conventional Abacus.
The Indian Abacus – Digital: The counting tool enables calculations done manually using the abacus independent of the computer too at the same time having the facility to have the display of answers on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen of the tool, which is integrated with it. The compatibility of the tool to have interface with the computer enables scope for posting the results (answers) in the Internet site. Indian Abacus – digital is thus a manually operable tool using which one can do fast and accurate arithmetic calculations and the user can post the results / answers in the internet site. Instant evaluation of the results of the assessment would be available. This tool is an ideal aid for online assessments, verification, evaluation leading to certification. Since working to LEARN and PRACTICE is possible on this tool in the off-line mode too, the student practicing to do a number of sums could check the answers on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The Indian Abacus – Digital is thus ‘Indian Abacus' with the greatly augmented facility for visualization through the display of colour images + Digital capability of transforming the slider movements into the respective values which are displayed on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) which is a part of the tool. Online working is an extended and important facility which is built in the tool ‘Indian Abacus – Digital tool'.
The most revolutionary introduction of usage of colour (Red and Green) images display done through the Indian Abacus – Digital is something unparalleled in the history of abacus education which is the first and the strongest feature of the Indian Abacus – Digital and the second feature which now makes it unique is the Digital compatibility factor. The performance results of children using the Indian Abacus – Digital to answer any online test paper can be verified, marked & evaluated for Certification. The test results could also be simultaneously transferred to compatible software used for Competitions for computations of results, positions and awards.
Tutor's Abacus: Indian Abacus and Indian Abacus Digital in a bigger size is also available which is called as “Tutor's Abacus”. Indian Abacus used by tutors is also of the same design, but it is used by the teacher/s for coaching the children in Abacus Mental Arithmetic calculations. The large size – Indian Abacus for teachers is hung on the wall or made to stand on a stand to explain to the students how the Abacus is operated to do the arithmetic calculations. The Teacher Abacus is only to explain to the children getting trained in the subject to gain the skills.
Indian Abacus Digital for Tutor's : Size 748 x 402 x 48 mm., 13 Rows,is designed for use by Tutors of Abacus Mental Arithmetic calculations at the centres. The toolis used to explain to the students how the Abacus is to be operated to gain the Brain skills
Indian Abacus Digital for Tutor – Slots, Sliders / Colour Images : Each slot in the Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors has 4 lower sliders and 1 upper slider. All the lower sliders could be moved towards and away from the bar individually and together also. Each lower slider, when individually moved towards the bar, unhides a green colour image. Similarly, the upper slider could be moved towards and away the bar. By moving towards the bar, the upper slider unhides a red colour image.
The LCD & LED screen : An integral part of Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors and when the sliders are moved on the slots towards and away from the bar, values appear and disappear on the digital display screen. When the sliders are moved for a sum while explaining or demonstrating, the movement of the sliders post the values and numbers on the Digital display screen. The Tutor while explaining and the student while working to learn on the Indian Abacus - Digital – for Tutors, could check the values / numbers of the images projected.
Better & effective coaching possible : Using 'Indian Abacus – Digital for tutors' which has two major advantages over the conventional Teacher's abacus with beads. The sliders moved towards and away from the bar would unhide and hide the colour images which are strikingly effective in impression making. Hence the visualization later is faster and stronger, which results in better comprehension.The second advantage is that the LED displays the results of the working on the Indian Abacus – Digital. The facility enables the teacher and the students working on Indian Abacus – Digital to understand the concept and the formulae with much ease.
The design : The Indian Abacus enhances the scope for largely improved quality learning. The skill to visualize post-learning will be better since the images for the value positions in Indian Abacus are highly distinct due to the colour.
Oral Sums Call out & Remote Control : The Indian Abacus-Digital for Tutor's is designed for other training & testing requirements. Calling out of sums (orals) – the system provides calling out (MP3 Inbuilt) of oral sums – the speaker provided on each Tutor's Abacus enables reaching of the output to the entire class room; Deferred Displaying of answers after verifying the children's answers; Conducting the assessments using the countdown timer; Setting time duration for the tests when conducted. Using the Remote control unit, the tutor could control all the activities from one place simultaneously observing the students' individual performances. The tutor can more dynamically work optimizing the time required for different activities.Power Source –The Indian Abacus Digital for Tutor's version 1.0 draws its energy requirements through the cord plugged into any electrical power point.

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