Tuesday 14 October 2014

The New Generation Tool

The comparison giving point wise advantages of Indian Abacus over the Conventional Abacus (Current Abacus) gives more in-depth understanding.
Feature1 The New Generation Tool - Indian Abacus, as it looks with all the sliders in value position. (sliders are like the beads in the convention abacus) The basic frame, which is a single integral piece, is chosen to be made in the Yellowish Cream colour, which is a very friendly background for the eyes to work with. The basic frame consists of the upper and lower window positions, which are separated by a slim rib (which can be also called the bar), hosting the home points, represented by a thick DOTS. The sliders could be moved up and down to display value & non value positions by uncovering and/or covering the colour images.
Advantage: Colour display makes the eyes catch the slider positions thereby the values distinctly. The eye capture of the colours to determine the value many times faster than that happening in the conventional abacus where the beads are homogenous / uniform in colour and therefore distinction between the value and non-value beads is very difficult. Further the non-value beads tend to disturb the vision and the abacus practitioner has a blurred vision of the value beads and the values.

Benefits: Colour display of the slider positions and values strike the brains attention much faster and clearer (many times more than the conventional abacus bead positions and values)
Feature2 The conventional abacus has its inherent limitations. In the New Generation Tool - Indian Abacus, which is a highly dynamic tool, the slider positions showing colours are the value positions and the slider positions which sink with creamish background are considered as non-value positions.
Advantages: In the Indian Abacus, the colour and non-colour positions of sliders remove the confusions and the disturbing view, as experienced in the Conventional Abacus. The features mean either value or no value positions which are clear and understanding & memory registry are easier.
Benefits: Brain has greater advantage to capture and register the colours thus making the calculations more correct and brain skills better.
Feature 3 All the components of the New Generation Tool - Indian Abacus are made of ABS plastic, except the fasteners which are metallic. The back cover is not just a cover but holding on to the frame from the back makes compact housing for the 17 window slots and sliding beads giving them a perfect fit.
Advantage: The back cover houses the important components together and in proper positions and closely synchronized.
Benefits: Breakage and distortion of the parts almost nil and hence more robustly made.
Feature 4 The back cover is the other essential component which makes the assembly of the Indian Abacus tool more compact and smooth to operate. Advantages & Benefits as explained in the previous point.
Feature 5 The main frame of Indian Abacus is an integral component with the windows.
Advantage & Benefit: The design helps in already explained advantages and benefits
Feature 6 Each slider is a value carrying component. Its value is determined by pushing it up or pulling it down. The other representation is each slide has a value depending upon the slot position (rod position in the conventional abacus) which gives the Units, tens, hundreds.. positions. Each slide is a very small rectangular shaped ABS plastic piece, engineered to the requirement with a cylindrical & horizontally placed button like structure in the centre. The upper slider (1 no. for each slot) displays value through Red colour display when pushed down & the lower sliders (4 nos. for each slot) display value through green colour display when they are pushed individually or collectively up. It means that Upper slider, when pushed up, loses that value and the lower slider/s loses/lose value when they are pushed down. There is no difference in the movement - up and down from what is there in the conventional abacus. Indian Abacus thus enables usage by the conventional abacus practitioner and the change-over is smooth & seamless.
Advantage: While features of the design and construction are changed, they are focused on the easy usage by the current user of the conventional (current abacus)
Benefit: The change is smooth and compatibility is total and 100%.

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